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Celebrating Redemption and Forgiveness

Daily Devotional – Monday, December 9, 2024
In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.
Colossians 1:14 (NKJV)

The main text for today serves as a potent reminder of the amazing gift that Jesus Christ has given us. Paul is emphasizing forgiveness and redemption, two fundamental tenets of Christianity.

“Redemption” implies a process of redemption or purchase. The sum paid on their behalf conjures up the idea of a person in bondage, whether they are slaves or imprisoned—being released.

We Have Redemption

The price in this instance is Jesus Christ’s precious blood. Jesus voluntarily gave His life to liberate us out of the clutches of death and sin because we were once slaves to sin and couldn’t free ourselves.

The wonderful outcome of that redemption is forgiveness. Sin causes a rift between us and God that cannot be filled by human effort. However, because of Christ’s sacrifice, we are forgiven. Christ’s righteousness now covers us, and the burden of shame and guilt that once characterized us has been removed.

Celebrating Redemption and Forgiveness

Think on the breadth of God’s love as you ponder today’s key text. You were imprisoned in the dungeon of sin and condemned to eternal death because of your transgressions. Then Jesus intervenes and releases you at a huge personal expense. You are given the opportunity to start over in Christ, after being redeemed and pardoned.

If you are struggling with emotions of unworthiness or guilt today, always remember God has pardoned me. You are no longer defined by your sins. Jesus’ blood has cleansed them away. Remain steadfast in that conviction and live with assurance in the salvation He provides.

Heavenly Father, I am grateful for Your Son Jesus Christ’s amazing gift of forgiveness and salvation.

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