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Appreciating the Wounds of a Friend

Daily Devotional – Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful
Proverbs 27:6 (NKJV)

The main text for today challenges us to consider the qualities of genuine friendship and the need for candid criticism. It highlights the sharp difference between an enemy’s false flattery. and a friend’s genuine, affectionate wounds. Although they are undesirable, some wounds that accompany love are healing and lead us to the truth.

The Kisses of an Enemy

A genuine friend who is led by love will be honest with us and occasionally face us with hard realities. This type of “wounding” is intended to assist, hone, and bring us nearer to God’s intention for our lives rather than to cause harm. These wounds may be caused by reprimands, corrections, or even difficult conversations. Since they care about our best interests, true friends don’t hide and tell us the truth that often hurts.

Conversely, the kisses of a foe are pretentious. and intended to flatter and trick. A real opponent will never push us towards growth. In contrast, they will lead us astray while telling us what we want to hear. Their “kisses” are devoid of sincerity and affection. King Solomon warns us not to be tricked by the pretentious rhetoric of people who are not looking out for our best interests.

Appreciating the Wounds of a Friend

Think about people who tell you the truth, even when it makes you uncomfortable. Do you like other people’s compliments, or are you willing to be corrected by them? How frequently do you ask God to help you determine which voices are actually expressing His truth? Do you appreciate the wounds of genuine friends?

Thank you, Lord, for the wounds my genuine friends inflict on me by telling me the hard truth that I don’t want to hear. Help me to accept correction and make necessary amends.

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