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The Proud Brother of Sinners

Daily Devotional—Friday, February 14, 2025
For both He who sanctifies and those who are being sanctified are all of one, for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brethren.
Hebrews 2:11 (NKJV)

Today’s key text underlines an important fact: despite our shortcomings, transgressions, and sins, Jesus does not cast us away. Instead, He embraces us and is not ashamed to call us His brothers and sisters.

Proud of Humanity

Jesus, our Sanctifier, came to earth to live among us after leaving the splendors of heaven. He didn’t keep his distance from our hardships. He climbed into them. He is aware of our struggles, our sorrows, and our temptations. In order to redeem us, He took on our nature.

We could be called failures, broken, or undeserving by the world. But because of His unwavering, profound love, not because of our worth, Jesus identifies with us. For us to inherit His righteousness, He had to take on our sin.

The Proud Brother of Sinners

Why does Jesus call us brethren without feeling embarrassed? Because we are now one with Him, and He has welcomed us into the heavenly family. It is possible for the enemy to murmur accusations of unworthiness while reminding you of your history, but Jesus is the proud brother of sinners like you.

We should walk with confidence as God’s children because Jesus is not embarrassed of us. His loyalty, not our shortcomings, defines us. Our value comes from Him, not from how well we behave. He brings us closer to Him because He recognizes our difficulties. How reassuring is it to know that Jesus is proud of you?

Thank you, Lord Jesus, because You are proud to call me Your family. Always remind me that I belong to You.

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