Daily Devotional – Monday, June 21, 2021
He who answers a matter before he hears it, It is folly and shame to him.
Proverbs 18:13 (NKJV)
Natural justice is a principle that demands you listen to an individual impartially before making a decision concerning that person.
It is because of this principle that even those caught red-handed committing crime get a chance to defend themselves in courts of law.
‘Mob justice’ is an example of the contravention of the right to a fair hearing. This ‘instant justice’ happens when the criminal and justice systems are not trusted, but it is still wrong.
Nicodemus challenged his fellow Jewish leaders to grant Jesus a fair hearing when he asked, “Does our law condemn a man without first hearing him to find out what he has been doing?” (John 7:51, NIV).
Today, an organization will sack an employee based on gossip. A relationship will end because of rumours. A court will jail an innocent person on the strength of false allegations. Unfortunately, there will be no effort to establish the facts.
Could we, in our own small ways, be guilty of the same injustice? Solomon thinks so. “He who answers a matter before he hears it, It is folly and shame to him.” (Proverbs 18:13). This is a warning to listen to facts before judging others.
How many times have we appeared ‘foolish and shameless’ (to borrow Solomon’s language) after we judged others before listening to them? How many of our relationships are dead because we did not verify negative information we received about people close to us?
Today, at home, at work and anywhere you will be, listen before you give your opinion. Also, instead of listening to the mob, give your ear to the person in question.
Father, make me a keen, non-judgmental listener.
Woow this is so great. It’s my first and it’s really helpful. Thank you so much.
Amen, Stella. Glad you read and liked the devotional. Please go through the archives for past devotional. Also, keep it here daily for more inspiration from the word of God. Be blessed.
This has really answered my many years question.
Have always asked myself why should one be investigated even after being caught in action instead of being accused immediately.
Thanks Mr Maina.
Thank you, Pastor. I love the way scripture reveals truth to us.
Am Grateful for this Peace of Advice From Solomonic Wisdom,My Boss.I think many of us fall victims of judging others before hearing their cases.May God give us Grace to be good listeners & Patience with our offenders🙏🙏
I agree with you, Chairman. God bless you for your comments.
Amen elder ,,,how i pray that God gives us the ability to listen.first
God always answers our prayers, including this one.
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