Daily Devotional – Tuesday, September 28, 2021
But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them.‘
Matthew 13:29 (NKJV)
“Why don’t you come to church these days?” A man who had stopped attending church was asked.
“I stopped coming after realizing there were too many hypocrites in church,” he replied
“That’s the same reason I attend church,” the questioner retorted.
“How is that?”
“Because it is only where you find original things that counterfeits emerge.”
Jesus compared the kingdom of God to a person who had planted good seed in his field but whose enemy had planted weeds in the same farm at night. Satan, intent on slowing down the progress of God’s kingdom, had placed wolves in sheep’s clothing among God’s people.
Jesus, knowing the risks involved in uprooting the tares at a tender age, directed his workers to leave the weeds to grow, “lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them.’” (Matthew 13:29).
Instead, He said, “Let both grow together until the harvest…” (Matthew 13:30). The servants were not supposed to separate the tares from the wheat. Time would differentiate the genuine from the counterfeit.
The gospel attracts all kinds of people. Some are sincere; some are not. If the church were not Christ’s beloved bride, the devil would not bother to plant bad seed in it. It is where the truth is that the devil attacks.
Instead of worrying about those we think are insincere Christians, let us strive to know God more and to do His will. Leave the judgement to God. Time eventually reveals and separates truth from error.
Lord Jesus, may I never run away from You because of negative examples set by other Christians.
What do you learn from this parable? Please share your thoughts.
Amen..My humble Prayer 🙏
Abundant blessings on you, Ronny.
We are told, nobody is perfect Boss.And we should not Judge,for we will too be Judged.So let’s learn from this teaching.
Well-said, Chairman