Daily Devotional – Sunday, October 17, 2021
And he said to her, “There is not another vessel.” So the oil ceased.
2 Kings 4:6 (NKJV)
A widow’s two sons are about to be enslaved to pay a debt accumulated by their late father. The widow asks Prophet Elisha to intervene, urgently. Unfortunately, the woman has nothing valuable she can sell to offset the debt.
Wait a moment! She has a jar of oil in the house. Can it help? Elisha thinks so. A miracle is about to happen. The widow and her sons must have faith and follow Elisha’s instructions.
They are to borrow as many empty vessels from their neighbours then pour oil from the small jar into each vessel. God does not provide a pool of oil. They fill vessel after another.
At some point, the mother tells one of the boys,
“Bring me another vessel.” And he said to her, “There is not another vessel.” So the oil ceased.” (2 Kings 4:6). Now the widow can sell the oil, pay the debt and live comfortably with her sons.
It is likely that she and her sons asked themselves, “What if we had borrowed more empty vessels?” God is ready to fulfil every genuine request that is in tandem with His will. How much are we asking for?
Notice that the oil stopped flowing when there were no more vessels to fill. Similarly, when we stop giving for God’s work and to the needy, our blessings stop flowing.
We are not to live merely for ourselves. We are to be channels through which God’s blessings reach other people. As we replenish others, God refills us. If you want God to stop blessings you, stop helping others.
Father Lord, continue to minister to others through me.
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May God’s blessings never cease to flow from me to others.
Amen and amen
Dear God continue to bless me and my family.
Abundan blessings on you, Edward. May God hear your prayer.