Daily Devotional – Monday, February 28, 2022
You number my wanderings; Put my tears into Your bottle; Are they not in Your book?
Psalms 56:8-9 (NKJV)
I grew up in a society that believes men should not cry. The older generation taught us that a crying man was a weak man. Therefore, we learned to bottle up our tears and suffer in silence. Not so, for a friend I met later in life.
Paul, a fellow teacher, told students that he believed men should cry. He urged boys to cry when need arose. If they feared to cry in public, they were to hide under their blankets and weep. Paul was a beneficiary of this type of therapy!
Benefits of Crying
According to Medical News Today.com, crying has several benefits, including relieving pain, eliciting support from others, relieving stress, releasing toxins, boosting sleep, fighting bacteria and improving vision among others.
Now that I know crying is advantageous, I will not shy away from it. I may not hide under a blanket to cry, like Paul, but I will find a quiet and private spot to let it out when need arises. Call me weak, if you want!
Put My Tears into Your Bottle
There is also another nobler reason why I will cry. God notices (rather, He records) my tears and works on my concerns in due time. Here is David’s take on the issue, “You number my wanderings; Put my tears into Your bottle; Are they not in Your book?”(Psalms 56:8-9).
I am encouraged to know that not a tear falls from my eyes, which God does not record and keep. God knows my pains and struggles. I know He remembers me because He has a special bottle, containing my painful experiences.
Who Said Men Should Not Cry?
Whatever you go through today, remember God has not forgotten you. One day, He will say that the tears in your bottle are enough. Hang in there. It is just a matter of time before the Lord acts on your case.
Who said men should not cry?
Almighty Father, thank You because not a single one of my troubles escapes Your eye. I trust in Your ability and willingness to act on my behalf in Your own time.
That beside advantageous crying benefits, there’s God’s special bottle of our tears! He carves our names in His palm. He surely tends to our petitions and intercessors.
Amen, Danvas
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