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When Straying Sheep Return to the Caring Shepherd

Daily Devotional – Saturday, July 2, 2022
For you were like sheep going astray, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.
1 Peter 2:25 (NKJV)

When the shepherds returned home at dusk, three sheep were missing. The shepherds consulted among themselves and decided against venturing into the darkness for fear of wild animals.

Two days later, two of the lost animals reappeared. The shepherds were overjoyed. Among the animals also, one could sense positive excitement.

For You Were Like Sheep Going Astray

You will never understand the value of home until you stray deliberately or you get lost inadvertently. Do you remember the prodigal son? When problems overwhelmed him, he remembered home and his family.

I wandered from God some years back. Though I pretended to be fine, there was a big vacuum in my heart. Life was unpredictable and perilous. When I finally returned home, I found peace in the arms of my loving God.

Apostle Peter likens sinners to straying sheep when he writes, “For you were like sheep going astray, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.” (1 Peter 2:25).

Return to the Shepherd and Overseer of Your Soul

When a sheep strays from the flock and the shepherd, it is at the mercies of thieves, animals of prey and unfavorable weather. Without the protection of the shepherd, the animal has a short life.

When we stray from Jesus into a life of sin, we expose ourselves to attacks by Satan and his agents. Only by heeding the voice of the Holy Spirit and returning to our Heavenly Shepherd will we be safe.

If you have strayed from Jesus, return to him with a penitent heart and hide under His protective wings today.

Good Shepherd, whenever I stray away from you, please show me the way back home.

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