Daily Devotional – Saturday, November 12, 2022
… I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.
Mark 11:24 (NKJV)
Children exemplify faith better than adults do. They believe everything parents promise them and wait innocently and patiently for the day and time for receiving the promise. If you know you will not redeem your pledge to a child, do not promise in the first place.
Believe that You Receive Them
Incidentally, Jesus wants us to emulate children when it comes to faith in prayer. He says, “… I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.” (Mark 11:24).
Christs wants us to trust Him the way a child trust His parent. When we ask according to His will, we must believe that He will grant our requests for us to receive what we have asked for.
You Will Answer Our Petitions…
Often, we end our prayers by saying, “We believe you will answer our prayers…” We take this as an expression of faith that God will honour our petitions in future. We even add, “…when you answer our prayers, we shall not forget to thank you.”
This is contrary to the principle in Mark 11:24. Jesus wants us to believe that He has answered our prayer sin the present. In fact, we are supposed to own the outcome of our prayers and live as if we have what we asked for.
Thank You for Answered Prayers
Picture this. You are unwell and you ask God for healing. How do you end your prayer? “Thank You, God, for healing me.” Do you feel the healing? It does not matter! Thank God because He has healed you. Now, wait for the manifestation of healing.
When we have the faith of a child, we will end our prayers with sincere thanksgiving for answered prayers. Because we know we have an Omnipotent and kind God, we do not doubt that He has met our needs.
Faith: Receiving the Promise Before it Manifests
Faith is thanking God for answered prayers even though we cannot see the outcome. It is believing that God hears you and manifests your requests in His own time and manner. Faith is receiving your requests before you hold them in your hands.
How would you behave if God granted your current petitions? Believe you have what you asked Him for and live with gratitude and joy as you wait to hold the promise in your hands.
Thank You, Lord, for answering my prayers. I trust You will give me the physical manifestation of my requests in Your own time and manner.
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God bless you.
Thank you God for answering my prayers. I am he who come to you because of what you have already done in my life. Am he who has prayed and received instantly heard me; few minutes later, a day or month and a year. All power, glory and honor be unto you Adonai!
Isaiah 65:24
[24]Even before they finish praying to me, I will answer their prayers.
Hallelujah! Thank you, Danvas, for this insight. God bless you.