Daily Devotional – Thursday, November 17, 2022
Can a woman forget her nursing child and not have compassion on the son of her womb?
Isaiah 49:15 (NKJV)
In my community, it is normal for people (especially women) to ask to hold newborn babies and infants. The mother never lacks babysitters because the community shares in the joy of having a new member.
When Parents Fail the Love Test
Yet there is a special bond that the nursing mother does not allow to be compromised. She keeps an eye on her baby irrespective of who is holding it. In fact, she supervises even her husband when he is helping with babysitting.
That said, some mothers still reject, neglect and lose their babies. We read and watch such stories in the media. For example, a mother left her newborn baby in the hands of a stranger for a bathroom break. When she returned, the stranger and the baby had disappeared.
When the Lord Demonstrates Protective Dispositions
God had something interesting to say about nursing mothers and their babies in Isaiah 49:15: “Can a woman forget her nursing child and not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, yet I will not forget you.”
Who knew that God had maternal instincts? We are used to a paternal Figure but the narrative changes here. The Lord confirms that unlike human mothers, under no circumstances will He forget us His infants.
Mamma Remembers Her Children
What powerful and beautiful symbolism! God, the Almighty, lovingly holding His human babies, and singing lullabies to comfort us! Nobody can snatch us from our Heavenly Mother (of Father). His eye is upon us, jealously guarding us from the devil’s attacks.
What challenges are you facing today? Visualize yourself as a baby in God’s arms. Listening to His comforting words and the assurance that He is with you. Enjoy His ‘motherly’ instincts and trust Him when He says, “Do not fear.”
Enjoy God’s Incomparable Maternal Instincts
If you feel forsaken and forgotten by those you expect to stand by you (including blood relatives), remember God says, “I will not forget you.” Trust God to remain with you and help you through your difficulties. Enjoy God’s incomparable maternal instincts.
Thank You, God, because You have maternal instincts and You will never forget me, Your precious baby.
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God bless you.
Thank you, Almighty God for I’m your child,you will never forget me .
Amen, Deborah.
Hard to imagine that a woman forget her baby but some does, even kills,or disown.
Thank God, When it comes to Nursing a baby with a mother’s love, Our God is the best mum.
His babies are ever before Him; they are part of Him. To abandon them would be to cut off part of Himself.
No matter how we may feel, God will not forget us.
So, When we struggle, when we go through pain and hard times, we often feel as if God has forgotten us. We pray and no one seems to hear. We read the Bible and get nothing out of it. We feel abandoned, deserted.
When we cry as zion ,”The Lord has forsaken me; my Lord has forgotten me!”lets turn to the verse and get God’s reassurance.He’ll never forget us.
That is the truth, Doc. God will never forsake us unless we choose to leave Him despite His incessant pleadings.