Daily Devotional – Saturday, December 31, 2022
If it had not been the LORD who was on our side…
Psalm 124:1 (NKJV)
The year is over. I am relieved and grateful at the same time. When I look back at those dozen months that is receding into history, I have one confession to make. If the Lord were not on my side, I would not have made it this far.
If it was not Lord JEHOVAH Who had Stood For Us….
While I have many incidences to cite, I want to refer to the first eight months of the year. I was down with serious health challenges. At one point, I could barely walk. Despite that, I wrote one devotional every day. What if the Lord had not been on my side?
Of course, I had high moments. This year, I published my first book. I was elated because this has been a long-term dream. God provided the content, inspiration, health, and support that I needed. Indeed, Jehovah was on my side.
What if the Lord had not been on our side?
Look back at the year that is ending today. How many accidents did you survive? In fact, if the Lord would open your spiritual eyes, you would marvel at how His angels worked tirelessly to keep you safe.
It is possible that you never lacked this year. That was the will of God. Perhaps you went through periods of lack, and wondered why God had ‘deserted’ you. Nevertheless, you are alive today, courtesy of the goodness of the Lord.
Save for Jehovah, who hath been for us
Like me, you may have been on the sick-bed for short or long durations. It is likely you spent so much time in the hospital or visiting the doctor that they confused you for a hospital worker. Today you are breathing and healthy because of God’s healing.
If you got a job this year, graduated from college, got married, bought a car, purchased a piece of land, built a house, gave birth or achieved most of your goals, remember it was because of the goodness of the Lord.
If The Lord Had Not Been On Our Side…
If for no other reason, just for being alive today, let us affirm severally with David, “If it had not been the LORD who was on our side,” we would not have made it to the end of this year. Indeed, “Our help is in the name of the LORD, Who made heaven and earth.” (Psalm 124:1, 2 & 8).
Almighty God, as I reflect on the last 365 days, I commit to trust You because had it not been for You, I would not have seen the end of this year.
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God bless you.
Sure, He has been a faithful God all through. If it were not for Him, we could not have succeeded even in the little thing we feel to have succeeded in the year,most of all even being alive as the year ends is a success we should acknowledge God. Even as we will be setting goals for 2023, let us find a space for the same God who has been with us in 2022.
Be blessed elder and thanks for the daily encouragements we get.
Amen, Philip. Indeed, God has ben faithful through the good the bad and the ugly times.
Let’s learn to count blessings one by one
Indeed, bro. Blessings.
Amen… indeed this far it is by Grace . The lord God has been for us
Amen, Doc. Happy New Year!
Dear friend, kindly add my devotional paperback book to your library in 2023. This book contains 365 powerful devotionals to enrich each day. Use this link to purchase the book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3Ey6AZu
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