Daily Devotional – Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Generosity will be rewarded. Give a cup of water and you will receive a cup of water in return.
Proverbs 11:25 (CEV)
An old woman African woman who used to feed a lunatic once experienced the reciprocal reward of generosity. The insane man used to visit the woman religiously at lunchtime and wait silently for his portion. He rarely uttered a word but he would look at the woman with grateful eyes.
Compensating for Kindness
One day, the mad man came for his usual meal but was disappointed. The granny had nothing to offer. She had fallen on hard times. She told the insane man to go look for food elsewhere as she, too, was starving.
After a moment of despondency, the lunatic’s eyes lit up. Suddenly, he rose up from his seat and ran towards the market. Along the way, he picked a big stick. He went straight to the food section of the market. He was on a mission.
Profits of Liberality
When the market women saw the menacing deranged man approaching, they fled, leaving their bananas, maize, beans and other wares unguarded. The intruder picked a sack and packed as many food items as he could. He then left the market, marching majestically.
Shortly after, he arrived at the old woman’s house, a broad smile adorning his dirty face. For the first time, he spoke to his benefactor. “Let us eat the ripe bananas as you prepare a huge delicious meal.” The woman could not believe it. She realized, though, that the insane man was paying back her generosity.
Bounteousness will be Rewarded
While the man used an unorthodox method to express his gratitude, this story captures the essence of Proverbs 11:25, “Generosity will be rewarded. Give a cup of water and you will receive a cup of water in return.”
The Bible encourages us to be kind to others because our bounteousness will be reciprocated. It is interesting how God ensures we often suffer lack so that we ask for help from others. On other occasions, we become the givers who have been needy before.
The Reciprocal Reward of Generosity
Have you noticed that when a person asks for assistance, people respond in proportion to the practice and degree of generosity of the needy person? If you have been there for people in their times of need, they will come through for you when you turn comes.
How many ‘cups of water’ have you given out in the recent past? Expect a similar amount in your moment of thirst. Today, take your glass, hosepipe or water boozer and start showering others. That way, you will enjoy the reciprocal reward of generosity.
Dear God, thank You because generosity will be rewarded. Show me who to give ‘a cup of water’ today.
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Amen! Cast your bread upon the waters and in due time it shall return to you. Ecclesiastes 11:1.
Doing good, being generous will always be repaid in full measure and let us not withhold doing good when it is in our power to do so.
Proverbs 3:27.