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Wake Up From Your Slumber

Daily Devotional – Monday, February 20, 2023
And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.
Romans 13:11 (NKJV)

Eutychus’s story would have been different had someone urged him, “Wake up from your slumber.” He was one of the worshippers at an overnight church service presided over by Apostle Paul in the town of Troas.

We pick up the story in Acts Chapter 20, verse 7. Paul intends to depart Troas for Miletus on Monday morning. His Sunday Holy Communion meeting with the believers in Troas extends into midnight. Apparently, the apostle has a lot to tell the Christians there and time flies by fast.

Awake out of Your Sleep

The upper room where the people are meeting is packed. There are oil lamps everywhere. The young man Eutychus finds a comfortable place on a window. The smoke from the many lamps, coupled with tiredness, sends a powerful bout of sleep towards Eutychus.

Like many a church attendant, Eutychus sleeps as the sermon is going on. His story, though, does not end there. He falls down from the third storey of the building and almost dies. The service ceases for a moment. Paul rushes down the stairs. He miraculously restores life and health to the lad.

Get out of Spiritual Complacency

Like Eutychus, many of us literally sleep during church services. The devil loves it. It is one of his weapons to ensure that our time in church is an exercise in futility. We leave the church without any spiritual benefit. We would rather have remained at home.

In addition (and this should worry us more), Satan loves it when Christians fall into spiritual slumber. We sleep right there in the presence of God and miss out on His message. Instead of being vigilant to ward off Satan, we fall into complacency, “having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof.” (2 Timothy 3:5).

Wake Up From Your Slumber

Paul warned the Roman Christians of the danger of losing focus and falling asleep as we await Christ’s Second Advent. He stated, “ And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.” (Romans 13:11).

If you do not read your Bible and meditate on God’s word regularly, you are spiritually asleep. Likewise, lack of an active prayer life, failure to witness, and disregard for needy people are forms of spiritual numbness. If you are a mere churchgoer or you do not practice the teachings of the Bible, wake up from your spiritual slumber now.

Lord Jesus Christ, wake me up from my spiritual slumber. I want to be ready for Your return at all times.

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The danger of spiritual slumber

charles ouma

Amen, we are living in the closing scenes of this Earth’s history , prophecy is fast fulfilling,we have no time,not a moment to loose,WE SHOULD NOT BE FOUND SLEEPING ON GUARD. It’s indeed a high time to awake out of sleep.

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