Daily Devotional – Tuesday, February 21, 2023
And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, “We will eat our own food and wear our own apparel. Only let us be called by your name to take away our reproach.”
Isaiah 4:1 (NKJV)
“We will do it on my terms.” If one negotiating partner makes such a statement, it means other partner lacks power and influence. In the Bible, however, we find a scenario where the weak party wants things to be done its way. It demands to enter heaven
As I Say
We find this anomalous situation in Isaiah 4:1, which states, “And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, “We will eat our own food and wear our own apparel. Only let us be called by your name. To take away our reproach.”
First, let us understand the symbolic language used. In Biblical terms, a woman represents a religious system. For example in Revelation chapter 12, a virtuous woman embodies the faithful church of God. Conversely, the harlot in Revelation 17 and 18 denotes Babylon, a system of counterfeit beliefs.
Under My Conditions
In addition, the number 7 symbolizes completeness. Bread or food represents Jesus Christ and the word of God or truth (John 6:35) while garments stand for righteousness. (Revelation 3:5). In essence, this verse is about a wayward church and its attitude towards Jesus.
Now, the professed believers in this verse want to worship and serve God on their own terms. They tell the man (Jesus) that they will subscribe to their own version of the truth (the bread). It is not what the Bible says that matters but how they interpret that truth.
I Make the Rules
Moreover, this church will wear its own garments, which means it will have its own standards of righteousness. Members will define what is right and wrong. They will only subscribe to biblical truth if it supports their beliefs and opinions.
Strangely, the only demand these church members have is that they retain God’s Surname. In essence, we want to be called Christians, because this covers our evils and shame. We will carry the cross and quote favourable verses from the Bible. Our mouths will sing your praises but we will serve you on our terms.
On My Terms
Am I like this professed group of believers? Do I love to be called a Christian but refuse to live according to Christ’s commandments? Is Jesus just my Saviour or He is my Lord also? Are my beliefs and righteousness from God or it does not matter? Am I serving God on my terms or His terms?
Lord Jesus, I will serve You on Your terms. Teach me Your pure unadulterated word and clothe me with Your righteousness.
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May the will of God be done in my life 🙏
Amen, Joseph