Daily Devotional – Friday, April 28, 2023
So he went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine; and he set him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him.
Luke 10:34 (NKJV)
A tortoise was lying on its back. If it remained in that position for long, its life would be in danger. As people watched in amusement, a buffalo approached the struggling animal and after several attempts, helped it face the right way up.
Heaven’s Implements
The crowd watched in amusement. Ironically, nobody seemed to realize that the buffalo had done what they had failed to do. The buffalo was God’s tool for helping the tortoise. Human beings had failed the test. The animal had passed.
The buffalo’s behaviour brings to mind the Parable of the Good Samaritan. When robbers attacked a traveler and left him for dead, God could have come down to save the wounded man, but He decided to use a human tool.
Failing the Tools’ Test
The first implement God sought to use was a priest. This man’s work was to lead people to God and to serve as a mediator. Such a vocation should have created empathy for other people in the priest’s heart. On this day, though, he chose safety and convenience and passed by a dying man.
The second apparatus God would have used was a Levite. This was another man of God. His worked revolved around the temple. As he helped the priests in their work, he must have noted how caring God was. Today, though, he disappointed the Lord by demonstrating no mercy on a fellow human being in an emergency.
The Unlikely Apparatus
Finally, God found the tool to use. Incidentally, it was a Samaritan. He was the kind of person who ordinarily would not have helped the injured Jew. Like the buffalo God used to rescue a tortoise in distress, the Samaritan became God’s tool for the good of the man in distress.
God is still looking for tools today. Everywhere around us are sick people, orphans, widows, prisoners, drug addicts and other cases in desperate need. God knows you are a tool at his disposal to help such people. In fact, you are the only Jesus these people may know.
A Tool in the Hand of God
Are there ‘tortoises’ that need your help? Allow yourself to be the tool in the hand of God that He will use to help people in misery. A time is coming when Jesus will tell you, “inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.” (Matthew 25:40).
Heavenly Father. I am a tool in Your hands. Use me to reach out to those in need.
These is my prayer
Amen, Pastor.
Amen, Martin