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Why Do Children Throw Tantrums?

Daily Devotional – Saturday, February 26, 2022

But now, O LORD, You are our Father; We are the clay, and You our potter; And all we are the work of Your hand.

Isaiah 64:8 (NKJV)

On a long distance bus, I sat next to a woman with two children. The mother was breastfeeding the younger one while the other one (aged about five years) watched, somewhat jealous. It did not take long before the disgruntled boy threw a tantrum.

He grabbed his mother’s arm angrily and demanded to sit on her lap, despite his sibling being more deserving of that privilege. My efforts to calm the boy resulted in a vicious kick. I immediately regretted my effort to help.

Why Do Children Throw Tantrums?

As the attention of other passengers shifted to where we sat, I felt like whipping the noisy and violent boy.  My mind started wandering and wondering. “Why do children throw tantrums? What do they expect to achieve by disturbing the peace for everyone?”

Suddenly, another thought intruded my mind. “How different are you from this boy? Why do you throw tantrums at God?” I stopped thinking about the boy and turned to myself. Was I as guilty as the child who was irritating me?

Guilty As Charged

A glance at my past revealed I was guilty as charged. I remembered moments when I asked God why He was not blessing me as He did with other people. Did He have to take so long to answer my prayers yet he owns everything in heaven and earth? Did God really love me?  

My wandering mind landed on Isaiah 64:8, “But now, O LORD, You are our Father; We are the clay, and You our potter; And all we are the work of Your hand.” I realized that what I needed to do was to allow God to have His way with me.

Allowing the Porter to do His Work

Arguing with God is counterproductive because He knows what is best for me. He has the right to mold me into the vessel He desires me to be. Throwing a tantrum will not help. Cooperating with God will.

The molding process will be painful at times but it is necessary for my growth and maturity. I now know that when God denies me anything, it is for my good. I must learn not to throw tantrums but to thank Him for everything, including what I do not understand.

In what aspects of your life do you need to start cooperating with God more closely as he molds you into a vessel for His glory?

Lord Jesus, I am the clay; You are the porter. Mold me as You see best.

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Charles Ouma

Amen.. Like a clay in the porter’s hand we should submit to God for in the palms of His hand we were graven and He can still, mould and change us into vessels that pleases Him . May God mould us back to His character and image when we get broken into the sins of our own making.

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